<aside> ⏰ The Spring 2023 session of Circles is coming soon; this year we’ll be piloting a new in-person Projects format. Stay tuned to updates in the Interact Slack or email about the term!


Circles brings Interacters together to do focused, intentional, and collaborative work on a shared goal by producing knowledge, solving a problem, or exploring a creative domain.

Circles started in 2020 and has brought together 250+ Interacters in 50+ Circles to work together on a variety of projects.

A Circle consists of 4-6 Interacters working together on a shared project that can range from solving specific problems to creative or reflective explorations. Circles are led by a Center, who propose the Circle’s topic and lead the group.

For the 2023 term, Circles will be piloting a new two-type format. Interacters can now pursue programs that are either:

Past Circles have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for nonprofit and research efforts, published original writing and led to full-time work. See what a few Circles have accomplished below:

Interact Spaces: Circles Symposium, 13-April-2022

[December 2021] INTER C3 Symposium

How do I participate in a Circle?

Expectations for Circles participants

  1. Show up for the Circle and your fellow Interacters
    1. Practice Circles: A time commitment of 3-5 hours per week; expect to participate in regular video calls with your Circle and set aside time each week to make progress towards your Circle’s goal.
    2. Project Circles: Commit to in-person attendance and active participation in the Circle.
  2. Attend your Circle’s Symposium session; the Symposium will be the week after the session concludes.
  3. Be open and upfront about your interests and capacity throughout the session.

Please check out this session’s Circles below to learn more about their topics and see if you’d like to join one!